Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Where Did September Go?

Hi everybody! Thanks for hanging in there with me while I took a hiatus in September. It certainly wasn't a planned blogging break, but sometimes life just throws you curve balls and you have to do your best to hit a homerun and not strike out. How is everyone doing? I'd love to hear about your September and what fun, exciting things happened for you (or even the not-so-fun, if you'd like to share). Here's a quick recap of my September:

First, we dealt with storm clean up. Not fun. Dave (with the help of Edith... kind of) chopped down some of the trees that fell. We will chop up the down apple trees once they have stopped producing fruit (that is going to be a very, very sad day). Good news is that some of the fallen trees can be used as timber to make beams for the barn renovation.

About a week after Irene came through, we had Tropical Storm Lee make an appearance, dumping more rain on the farm (and in the basement). Of course, during that time, we had house guests, so instead of the rounds of bocce and cocktails on the lawn, the farm tours, and chit-chatting on the porch I had hoped for, my poor guests were subject to freezing rain and yucky weather. Bummer.

Speaking of house guests... the wonderful Tara (from The Prippy Handbook) and Liz (from Octavia and Brown) were here at Silly Goose Farm for a few days while they scoped-out the Brimfield Antiques Show. It was such a pleasure to host them, catch up with them, and show them around both the farm and the city of Albany. Fun times! I can't wait to spend more time with those two bundles of fun (both in my city and theirs!). More to come on their visit...

September was mainly spent harvesting. I'll still picking at least a half-bushel of tomatoes a week (that's about 25-27 pounds!), as well as carrots, rainbow chard, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, hot peppers and lots and lots of herbs. Corn is pretty much put-up for the season, so that's done. Don't get me started on apples... I could easily pick two dozen bushels a week and still have more picking to do. Grapes are coming in, and pears will be ready to pick soon.

With all the apples, I've made LOTS of applesauce, apple butter, apple relish (delicious with corn fritters) and of course, apple cider! My parents came out last weekend for our first pressing, and I did a small pressing just this week. Many, many more gallons to come. I'm making hard cider this year and I'm VERY excited to share that process with you!

Of course, there is the every day, non-farm stuff, as well. Always plenty of work to do, lots going on with the charitable boards I serve on, and whatnot. Edie is making no progress on potty training (any tips appreciated!) and Eric is more mobile and talkative every day. It's such a pleasure to watch them grow, but their very active imaginations drive me bonkers sometimes (like last week when they got all the wine glasses and champagne flutes out of the china cabinet, poured their cereal in them, and were toasting each other. Funny, but what a mess). I'm scaling back on client/consulting work, and I am continuing to launch and start-up my new business (I can't WAIT to share that with you!). We also celebrated my mom's birthday and my parents' 25th wedding anniversary in September. Yay parents!

I've had some fun posts go live in the blogging world (just not here.. haha!). September brought two posts with From Scratch Club - one being a Locavore's Guide to Booze and the other a DIY Apple Cider how-to with two fun cider recipes. I hope you'll check them out! I've also become the new Eat Local blogger over at the Times Union. I'd love it if you hopped over there and left me a comment (a very special thank you to Michael Huber for giving me the gig!).

I said goodbye to September and hello to October by doing my very first food demo! I participated in Honest Weight Food Co-Op's Third Annual Harvest Festival with From Scratch Club. We had a lovely tent and great food samples and demos throughout the day. I showed attendees how to make apple cider at home. It was a great turnout and I think everyone (including me!) learned a lot that day. Here's a great recap of the day. Can I get some finger-snaps for the lovely gals at FSC, especially Chris, for all the hard work they did to pull this event off? Brava, ladies!

So, that's my September in a nutshell. How was your month? What exciting things does October have in store for you? Thank you again for hanging in there with me in the turbulent month... more yummy sustainable living posts coming your way!


  1. Welcome back!

    I absolutely cannot believe how quickly September went... it really was the fastest month of my life! And the definite highlight to the month was spending time with you and your gorgeous family. I had so much fun and you redefine "hostess with the mostest."

    I'm already counting down until we catch up again. And in the meantime, we have our blogs!

  2. Welcome back!! Sounds like things have been a little crazy. I'm glad the storms weren't too terrible for y'all. My hubby was in DC for the hurricane and earth quake - scary stuff. Good luck on your new business. I know you'll be amazing at whatever it turns out to be!

  3. and now october is almost behind us!! which means dreaded, dreaded winter. bleh.


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