After a very festive, delicious, abundant Thanksgiving meal, it's hard to remember that there are people in my country that still go without. "How am I going to eat to today?" has never been a question I have had to ask myself (unless you count restaurant or meal-prep decisions), but that question forms the foundation of many lives here in the US. Life hasn't always been extravagant or easy for me, but I've never had to go without a good meal for lack of resources or affording it, even when things were tight.
One out of five kids in this country struggle with hunger. One in five! That means there is a good chance someone your kids (if you have them) go to school with, or a kid you pass on the street, is hungry right now. And we're not talking those 11am hunger pangs. No - this is real hunger.... hunger that becomes the essence of a life. The unbearable reality that penetrates every action.

Fortunately there are organizations like Share Our Strength who create initiatives like No Kid Hungry. Hunger seems like a dire dilemma (especially when you look at the numbers), but the No Kid Hungry campaign has created simple, accessible solutions to alleviate this issue in America. Right now, Share Our Strength is asking for a simple $1 donation to bring a child in need 10 breakfasts. Yep - 10 breakfasts! That's a whole lot of improvement for less than your cuppa coffee this morning. For $18, you can provide breakfast for one child for an entire school year.
Let's do some math here. Remember that Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latter shortage earlier this year? Let's say you would traditionally order a venti Pumpkin Spice Latte every day before work. And then the shortage hit, and your world fell apart. What if you took that money and donated to the No Kid Hungry campaign? You just bought breakfast for a kid, for an entire school year, and then some. Good for you!!
Today is the last day for Share Our Strength to hit its fundraising goals. And you can help! Just Click Here to donate to the cause (enter your desired amount in the "other" box). That's it! And if you really feeling up to it, try going without breakfast for a few days, then go to work and see how productive you are. Then you will really know how much your donation will change one kid's life. Pick-up some of these adorable holiday cards, too, to help spread the message!!
Thanks for being good eggs, my friends. I know I can count on you to help in this important mission!!! Xoxo :-)
Quick disclaimer: I am overjoyed to be working with The Mission List to bring this information to you. Please go check TML out, if you have a minute. Here's a little bit about donating to Share Our Strength/No Kid Hungry (since it is important that you know how your donation is used and that you donate to reputable sources!!): Share Our Strength is a registered 501(c)(3) private, nonprofit organization.
Federal identification number:52-1367538. Share Our Strength is a nonprofit and uses donations to connect children facing hunger with nutritious meals in their communities, homes and schools. Gifts made to Share Our Strength will leverage the time, expertise, and additional funds needed to end child hunger in America. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Donate today and help us provide a hungry child his next meal.