Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Welcome to Silly Goose Farm!

Since our two-year wedding anniversary is this weekend, I thought I'd finally get around to starting this here blog. Darling, I don't know who convinced who that we should buy this place, or what made us think that we could tackle it together, but I can't imagine doing any of this with anyone but you. You know you have all my love, always.

The main barn - a work in progress

Welcome to Silly Goose Farm. Here, you will find details about our attempt to renovate this farm (the house, the barns, the gardens), general information and insight into country life, and more special tidbits here and there. It's no Green Acres, but it's ours and we love it. Our le morceau du monde, if you will. I truly hope you enjoy what you find.

Thanks for stopping by. Friends are always welcome here.


  1. I love old barns. I'd be tempted to fix it up and live in it.

  2. An Urban Cottage - we are planning on fixing it up and getting critters in the fall. There are old cow stantions that will be converted into stables, and new fencing will line the property. Stay tuned!


Hey there! Thanks for reading - and caring enough to leave your thoughts. Try to be nice, but if you can't, please direct your anger at me and not other commenters :)